Moscow Red Square iPod MP3 Audio Walking Tour
Let your iPod be your tour guide through the Moscow Red Square $8.95
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Listen to An Audio Sample of This Tour Tour Description: Adjacent to the Kremlin, Red Square is located in the very center of Moscow. Known from the early 15th Century, it served as a hub of Moscow’s commerce and social life and was a magnet for crowds of Muscovites and visitors. Red Square witnessed medieval riots, magnificent festivals of the imperial period, and military parades of the Soviet epoch. In a walk around the square you will see the various architectural styles from English Gothic to the New Russian style which paradoxically mixed in a unique and beautiful ensemble. You will travel in time from the 16th century Cathedral of Basil Beatific to the 20th century Mausoleum of Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the Bolsheviks and the founder of the Soviet state. Tour Length: 30 minutes recorded time / 1 mile walking distance With this tour, you always have a professional tour guide ready to share the history and secrets of great cities. No waiting for a group to form. No having to cut short your exploration of interesting areas because a bus is leaving. No having to stay at points you don't care about because a tour company thinks them special. Start whenever you want. Stop when you are ready. All information has been carefully researched for accuracy and is presented by professional narrators.Please check that the files work to your satisfaction before going on your journey and contact us immediately if you have any problems. See our other Moscow tours |